Media — Rosenzweig & Company

The National Post

Roynat Capital highlights a Canadian entrepreneur whose company is on the move Mover of the Week: Strataflex Corp.

Three years ago, Michael Fielding excepted what he regards as a challenge of a lifetime. A trio of venture capital companies that controlled a small Toronto-based maker of flexible printed circuit boards needed a man who could left the company, Strataflex Corp., from the doldrums and turn it into an aggressive, fast-growing market leader.

How to put your skills to work for you

As an executive recruiter, what I often see holding people back -- even senior executives -- is the inability to recognize and put to use their transferable skills. I am often asked: "But how do I honestly recognize what I have and harness these transferable skills into a better job.

Canada Co.'s shortlist for CEO: Headhunters look at three candidates in PM race

Canada Co.'s shortlist for CEO: Headhunters look at three candidates in PM race

With the coming federal election, let's pretend Canada is a large national company. And -- putting politics and policy aside -- let's look at the party leaders in the same way executive recruiters do when searching for top talent for client companies.

Nortel a long-shot job for fallen CEO: 'Tarnished' Fiorina knows telecom industry

With the firing of Carly Fiorina yesterday, Hewlett-Packard Co. can take a couple different paths to find a new president and chief executive.