
Check your ego at the door

Receiving a call from a headhunter can put you on the path to landing that dream opportunity -- or it can lead to frustration, rejection and disappointment. Over the years, I have seen a lot of strong candidates miss out on great job opportunities because they did not fully understand the process and the role of the recruiter.

HP to stay Carly's course Without her at the helm; No breakup plans, officials stress

Hewlett-Packard Co. vowed yesterday to maintain Carly Fiorina's controversial strategy of building a global, end-to-end technology powerhouse competing on sheer size, even as the company dumped its high-profile chairman and chief executive officer.

Nortel a long-shot job for fallen CEO: 'Tarnished' Fiorina knows telecom industry

With the firing of Carly Fiorina yesterday, Hewlett-Packard Co. can take a couple different paths to find a new president and chief executive.