Women rule the workplace. Well, almost. The number of employed women outnumbered men in Canada in 2009 for the first time. One reason: Education. More women than men graduate from university in Canada. As a result, more women are becoming the primary breadwinners in their families.
Family Finance: The Next Level
Women earn the freedom to opt out
Spread the halo-effect around: Success or failure of a firm should not rest solely on the CEO's shoulders
Success or failure of a firm should not rest solely on the CEO's shouldersMike Zafirovski, president and chief executive of Nortel Networks Corp., once wore the halo of corporate saviour with employees and shareholders putting faith in the former Motorola executive to turn the ailing company around.
Banks capitalize on women
Obama effect trickles into boardrooms: More women, visible minorities will reach the top
A Champion of Women
Speak up and be noticed: For all our advances, we still judge women and men differently
Corporate Canada still mostly male: report Some gains, but 93% of top officers are men
100 Executives: Guess how many are women
The Rolodex Doesn't Rule: HR departments need to understand recruitment process
Check your ego at the door
Receiving a call from a headhunter can put you on the path to landing that dream opportunity -- or it can lead to frustration, rejection and disappointment. Over the years, I have seen a lot of strong candidates miss out on great job opportunities because they did not fully understand the process and the role of the recruiter.