Rachel Pierce-Burnside on the Rosenzweig Report


As a Black Woman, I am far too familiar with the heavy load most of us carry every single day. We are expected to often overperform while navigating through ancestral, relational, civil, and professional trauma. At a young age, Black girls become aware of the harsh reality that we live in a society that chooses not to see, accept, or protect us. How can we heal if we aren’t heard? Healing begins with hearing, and true change requires a consistent fight. Jay Rosenzweig is a dependable champion of change, and I am thrilled to support the 16th Annual Rosenzweig Report. As both a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professional and Social Justice Activist, I know just how necessary research is to representation. Jay’s work challenges us all to not only see the truth but use it to invoke awareness and ultimately transformation.

Rachel Pierce-Burnside (She, Her, Hers),Managing Partner, Diversified Consulting Firm