Piper Delluma on the Rosenzweig Report — Rosenzweig & Company

Piper Delluma on the Rosenzweig Report


There is an indistinguishable and supremely authorized ordinance to purpose, to power, to production, to promise, to progression to destiny and to legacy. Her name is Woman- the womb man- the keeper and protector of life- of wisdom- of courage, of hope- ordained from the beginning of time. Eve. God’s most perfect gift of wholeness taken from the side of man as he slept- not yet awakened to his full Potential.

This metaphorically impresses upon all of mankind that everything he will ever need is already inside of himself. But he must wake up- for he slumbers too long.

It is the strength of Adam to be awakened to his own balance. The rhythm and hues of harmony. This equality of BE-ing.

Thank you to Jay Rosenzweig and his continuous mission to bring awareness, productivity, fight and truth to sustaining her value- reflecting her beauty- amplifying her voice. The Rosenzweig Report qualifies the infinite blessing of the feminine by fighting for its release from institutionalized and unauthorized imprisonments.

She is the vision and the visionary. Honored as the earthhonored as the mother- honored as the pillar, the profit, the poet, the provision. She is the very creative force behind the birthing substance of everything- of life itself. It is her expansion, her substance, her seed, her push, her cry and her blood that delivers eternity.

Heralds hope. Speaks to mountains. Fights as a lion. Soars as an eagle. Rests as the winter. Rises as the sun.

Dishonor her and all returns to dust and darkness.

Piper Dellums, UN Delegate CSW 58 (Commission on the Status of Women); Drama Therapist; Victims Advocate; International Public Speaker (Specializing in Violence, Abuse, Trauma, Addiction); Writer; Producer