Mona Vand on the Rosenzweig Report

I am passionate about making the lives of each and every individual on this planet physically, mentally, spiritually healthy through proper nutrition and care. Jay Rosenzweig is also passionate about making our world a healthier place. And he believes diversity, inclusion, gender equality, and human rights around the globe are keys to a healthier human race collectively. For almost two decades, Jay has held a mirror to corporate leaders, many of whom are still lagging when it comes to promoting equality. And beyond the corporate world, Jay has been supporting women’s rights globally, including in his capacity as Board Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights. Change can come frustratingly slow, as Jay has found. But incremental change can also ignite monumental change one day. Look, for example, at Iran. I was born in America after my parents did not return to Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Today, after decades of oppression, hundreds of thousands of courageous women and men are standing up for basic human rights in Iran; too many have already died for the cause. I applaud Jay for joining the fight for the rights of Iranian women, including his recent work petitioning the UN to remove Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women. Each and every one of us has a role to play in fighting for equality and human rights. We can all be agents for change, like Jay. Keep up the great work!

Mona Vand, Wellness Educator & Pharmacist-Turned-Entrepreneur with an International Online Community Numbering in the Millions