As a woman of Faith and a Pastor, I am wedded to the deep, complicated and sincerity that is needed in Pastoral care. Sanctuary must be found for those who are seeking. My convictions hold strong in seeing everyone as they are and empowering them toward their purpose in the construct of our society. Faith circles and pastoral care must be realized for the emancipation of women! For our very existence is a resistance. To imagine a world without the exquisite existence and contribution of women in leadership, is to experience a world that is off balance, jilted and robbed of its essence. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for all, breathes life into every facet of our human continuance. Dignity is ours to hold and is no one’s to erase. At The Beautiful Foundation, we are committed to exposing the injustices toward women and children who have survived domestic violence and substance abuse. I truly believe that we can all contribute to the ideals of a ‘glorious and free’ Canadian landscape, once we realize the violence that has been unleashed toward them in our country and become the change that we want to see. The shadow pandemic, that arose from Covid-19 must be recognized and respected trans globally. Let us ensure that from ‘coast to coast’ the fabric of our nation, is woven with advocacy, efficiency and the diversity, found in our united voices. Jay Rosenzweig and his report serves as a crucial platform in highlighting the importance of Equality and Women’s Rights. Let us show ourselves in all respects to be models of good works and in our teaching show integrity and dignity.
– | Pastor Judith James, Founder & CEO of The Beautiful Foundation |