Abyah Wynn on the Rosenzweig Report — Rosenzweig & Company

Abyah Wynn on the Rosenzweig Report

The Rosenzweig Report is an invaluable beacon that shines a light on the lack of parity, equity, and diversity for women in business. As one of the few Black female Venture Capitalists, I know all too well the challenges women face when raising capital to further the growth of their businesses- especially women of color. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to impact change for Female Founders. When I began, I did not see myself represented in this industry. My foray into venture capital was fortuitous and that should not be the case.

In the Rosenzweig Report’s 17th year, the message remains the same; we must do better. It is my hope that we are not only cognizant of this data, but also use it as a catalyst to inspire action and effect change.

Abyah Wynn, Co-Founder and Fund Manager, TRUE Culture Fund