We are experts in helping companies find extraordinary talent, regardless of sector or function. Our focus is on utilizing research methodologies to significantly improve results in the executive search arena.

Rosenzweig & Company’s clients are fortunate to benefit from the insight and wisdom of expert consultants and advisors comprised of highly respected members of virtually all sectors of the business and impact community.



Michelle Holland is a highly versatile and recognized thought leader with successfully demonstrated leadership experience in both the public and private sectors. Michelle was elected as City Councillor from 2010-2018 and served as the City of Toronto’s first Chief Advocate for the Innovation Economy where she was the leading voice on technology and innovation. She led the City’s effort to encourage growth in the sector, promote and protect innovation and technology jobs, encourage greater gender diversity and position Toronto as a leader in the innovation economy in all respects. She initiated and led the City's branding strategy with respect to the innovation economy that will create a unified voice to attract and retain talent.

Her deep understanding of digital disruption led Michelle to champion the first annual Digital Literacy Day in the City of Toronto in May 2018. Digital Literacy Day brought together over 80 corporate and non-profit organizations as well as government agencies to work collaboratively together to ensure that “no one is left behind” in the new economy.

Michelle was involved in the City’s participation with Toronto Global in the Amazon H2Q bid process, the City’s bid process for Collision tech conference, and the City’s proposal for the Federal Smart Cities Challenge.

Michelle has served on the most powerful and influential Committees including Executive Committee, Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, Budget Committee and Economic Development Committee. She served as Chair of Scarborough Community Council, Vice Chair of the Economic Development Committee, and Vice Chair of Public Works and Infrastructure. Her most prominent and important role was as Chair of the City’s Corporations Nominating Panel where she was responsible for public appointments to the City’s most important corporate boards including Toronto Hydro, Waterfront Toronto, and Toronto Community Housing Corporation.

As a graduate of the Director’s Education Program (Institute of Corporate Directors and the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management) she has considerable board experience including the Hockey Hall of Fame, Design Exchange and Art Gallery of Ontario among other boards.

Jay Rosenzweig

Jay Rosenzweig

Larry Chan

Larry Chan

Swan Sit

Swan Sit

Sherrie Silver

Sherrie Silver



Maha Abouelenein

Maha Abouelenein

Iliana Oris Valiente

Iliana Oris Valiente

Todd Jacobson

Todd Jacobson

Chris Adamo

Chris Adamo

Dikembe Mutombo

Dikembe Mutombo

Tiffany Pham

Tiffany Pham

Chris Mattmann

Chris Mattmann

Urja Kohli

Urja Kohli

Kyle Ballarta

Kyle Ballarta

Mpumi Nobiva

Mpumi Nobiva

Emmanuel Jal

Emmanuel Jal

Karlyn Percil

Karlyn Percil

Laura McGee

Laura McGee

Catherine MArot

Catherine MArot

Rose Duggan

Rose Duggan

Camille Boothe

Camille Boothe

Louisa Wong

Louisa Wong

Jim sabey

Jim sabey

Justine Lucas

Justine Lucas

Patricia Lenkov

Patricia Lenkov

Claudette McGowan

Claudette McGowan

Manyang Kher

Manyang Kher

Candice Faktor

Candice Faktor

Tatiana Koffman

Tatiana Koffman

Adam Posner

Adam Posner

Michelle Holland

Michelle Holland

AJ Vaynerchuk

AJ Vaynerchuk

Brendan Doherty

Brendan Doherty

Salim Teja

Salim Teja

Alexander Schultz

Alexander Schultz

Rags Davloor

Rags Davloor

April Taggart

April Taggart

John Armstrong

John Armstrong

Shawn Cheng

Shawn Cheng

Aliza Lakhani

Aliza Lakhani

Andrea Bonime-Blanc

Andrea Bonime-Blanc

Rocco Rossi

Rocco Rossi

Mo Lidsky

Mo Lidsky

Joshua James

Joshua James

Preet Dhindsa

Preet Dhindsa

Kenneth Frankel

Kenneth Frankel



Larry Markowitz

Larry Markowitz

David Stinson

David Stinson

Robert WaitE

Robert WaitE

Brett Williams

Brett Williams

Nicholas DeRoma

Nicholas DeRoma

Christopher SEALEY

Christopher SEALEY

Ken Kragen

Ken Kragen

David MathIson

David MathIson

Dick Wingate

Dick Wingate

Amoye Henry

Amoye Henry