
The 11th Annual Rosenzweig Report on Women at the Top Levels of Corporate Canada

For 11 years, we’ve been tracking the number of women in leadership roles at Canada’s 100 largest publicly-traded corporations and equality remains a pipedream. Where Trudeau’s cabinet is 50-50 men and women, the top executives of Canada’s 100 largest publicly-traded companies are 92 percent male and a paltry 8 percent female, a slight drop this year over last year’s results.

Rosenzweig Company cited as the leading high-end search boutique internationally

"This CCSO assignment, and others like it that the firm conducts globally on a regular basis, clearly puts Jay Rosenzweig & Company as the leading high-end search boutique internationally,” said Scott A. Scanlon, founding chairman and CEO of Hunt Scanlon

Almost a Tenth of the Highest-Paid Executive Positions in Canada are Held by Women

Almost a Tenth of the Highest-Paid Executive Positions in Canada are Held by Women

While there’s still plenty of work to be done to achieve true gender equality in the workplace, the new Rosenzweig Report points to some interesting data suggesting that we’re well on our way. According to the global talent management firm’s Report, 8.5% of the highest-paid executive positions in Canada are currently held by women.