We are experts in helping companies find extraordinary talent, regardless of sector or function. Our focus is on utilizing research methodologies to significantly improve results in the executive search arena.

Rosenzweig & Company’s clients are fortunate to benefit from the insight and wisdom of expert consultants and advisors comprised of highly respected members of virtually all sectors of the business and impact community.



Jacques Demers, Chairman & Managing Partner, AGAWA Partners Inc. and its asset management subsidiary, AGAWA Fund Management Inc. brings to AGAWA almost forty years of experience in investment, law and pensions, both in Canada and globally.

Lawyer, since 1977, he co-founded and led one of Canada’s most respected business law firms (now integrated within Norton Rose Fulbright) and pioneered a number of “first of-a-kind” corporate and project financings and infrastructure-related investments (eg. first airport, courthouse, hospital and toll highway PPPs; Canada’s diamond projects and environmental agreements with developers, First Nations and governments; infrastructure related privatizations and PPPs in developing markets).

Private investor, since 1987, (initial investor in Cashway, Porter Airlines, and others), he served, between 2008-2015, as a member of OMERS Senior Executive Leadership and President & CEO of the OMERS fund’s strategic investment division, OMERS Strategic Investments, where he managed $3B of investments for OMERS and $500M for its investment partners (including infrastructure assets and related operating businesses) and led a number of innovative, strategic investment initiatives for the OMERS fund, including the $12.6B Global Strategic Investment Alliance infrastructure fund (with long-term institutional investors from Japan and USA), OMERS Ventures program and Airports Worldwide.

He serves as a member of York University Board of Governors, a Trustee of York University Pension Fund, a member of Japan-Canada Chamber Council, Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute Advisory Board and World Ocean Council, Special Advisor to the IIR and FIRCAP (respectively the Institutional Investor Roundtable and Fiduciary Investor Roundtable for Collaboration and Partnerships), and continues to advise and work with pension funds, sovereign funds and other institutional investors as well as governments and public policy makers, experts and regulators around the world.

After studies in economics, history and philosophy (McGill University ’73), Jacques read law at Université Laval (LL.B.’76).

Jay Rosenzweig

Jay Rosenzweig

Larry Chan

Larry Chan

Sherrie Silver

Sherrie Silver



Dikembe Mutombo

Dikembe Mutombo

Tiffany Pham

Tiffany Pham

Emmanuel Jal

Emmanuel Jal

Mpumi Nobiva

Mpumi Nobiva

Karlyn Percil

Karlyn Percil

Laura McGee

Laura McGee

Catherine MArot

Catherine MArot

Rose Duggan

Rose Duggan

Camille boothe

Camille boothe

Louisa Wong

Louisa Wong





Jim sabey

Jim sabey

Armughan Ahmad

Armughan Ahmad

Justine Lucas

Justine Lucas

David Hopkinson

David Hopkinson

Patricia Lenkov

Patricia Lenkov

Claudette McGowan

Claudette McGowan

Jodi Kovitz

Jodi Kovitz

Manyang Kher

Manyang Kher

Candice Faktor

Candice Faktor

Tatiana Koffman

Tatiana Koffman

Michelle Holland

Michelle Holland

AJ Vaynerchuk

AJ Vaynerchuk

Brendan Doherty

Brendan Doherty

Salim Teja

Salim Teja

Alexander Schultz

Alexander Schultz

Rags Davloor

Rags Davloor

April Taggart

April Taggart

Shawn Cheng

Shawn Cheng

Aliza Lakhani

Aliza Lakhani

Andrea Bonime-Blanc

Andrea Bonime-Blanc

Rocco Rossi

Rocco Rossi

Mo Lidsky

Mo Lidsky

Joshua James

Joshua James

Preet Dhindsa

Preet Dhindsa

Kenneth Frankel

Kenneth Frankel

Jake hirsch-Allen

Jake hirsch-Allen

Larry Markowitz

Larry Markowitz

David Stinson

David Stinson

Robert WaitE

Robert WaitE

Brett Williams

Brett Williams

Nicholas DeRoma

Nicholas DeRoma

Ken Kragen

Ken Kragen

Christopher SEALEY

Christopher SEALEY

David MathIson

David MathIson

Dick Wingate

Dick Wingate